Quashing of Detention Order under Gujarat Prevention Act – Legal Victory for Detenue

In a recent judgment by the Gujarat High Court, a detention order under the Gujarat Prevention of Anti-social Activities Act, 1985 has been quashed, leading to a legal victory for the detenue. The order, aimed at preventing actions prejudicial to public order in Rajkot, was challenged successfully. This decision marks a crucial development in the case, emphasizing the importance of legal scrutiny in matters of preventive detention.


  • The petitioner was preventively detained under the Gujarat Prevention of Anti-social Activities Act, 1985.
  • The detention order was passed by the Police Commissioner, Rajkot, citing the petitioner as a ‘dangerous person’.
  • The petitioner has challenged the legality and validity of the detention order.
  • The order execution was carried out on the petitioner.


  • Detaining Authority passed the order based on detenue’s antecedents and past activities.
  • Purpose of the order was to prevent the detenue from acting in a manner prejudicial to public order in Rajkot.
  • The issue at hand is the legality and sustainability of the order of detention under the Act of 1985.
  • Both parties have presented their submissions for consideration.


  • The advocate for the detenue argues that the grounds of detention are related to law and order, not public order.
  • The registration of the offence is not considered to have adversely affected public order as per the Act.
  • The alleged offences do not impact the maintenance of public order but are only related to law and order.
  • The detenue’s activities are seen as prejudicial to law and order, not public order.
  • On the contrary, the State Counsel believes the detenue is a habitual offender whose actions affect society.
  • ARG_RESPONDENT is currently in jail.
  • ARG_RESPONDENT was found guilty of the crime.
  • ARG_RESPONDENT’s sentence includes a jail term.
  • ARG_RESPONDENT’s legal representative is advocating for an appeal.


  • The detaining authority did not provide enough evidence that the petitioner’s alleged anti-social activities threaten public order.
  • Basing the subjective satisfaction on three criminal cases was deemed incorrect by the court.
  • The grounds of detention mentioned three criminal cases, but the court found them inadequate to prove the detenue as a ‘dangerous person’ affecting public order.
  • Although incidents of beating by the petitioner were acknowledged, they were deemed irrelevant to public order issues.
  • The offenses the petitioner was involved in did not impact public order, as evident from the fact that bail was granted in all cases.
  • The expression ‘public order’ distinguishes between serious and minor breaches of peace.
  • Serious forms of disorder directly affecting the community or public interest fall under the scope of public order.
  • A mere disturbance of law and order is not sufficient for action under the Preventive Detention Act.
  • Contravention of any law affects order but to affect public order, it must impact the community or the public at large.
  • The material on record is not sufficient to show that the detenue’s activities have affected or are likely to affect public order.
  • The subjective satisfaction of the detaining authority is not legally valid.
  • The alleged offenses by the petitioner do not disturb the even tempo of community life.
  • Being a bootlegger alone does not warrant preventive detention unless it adversely affects public order as per the Act.
  • The offenses and allegations against the petitioner do not cause insecurity or panic among the public, not impacting public order.


  • The petition is allowed.
  • The order dated 16.01.2024 is quashed.
  • The detenue is to be set at liberty immediately if not required in any other case.


Case Number: R/SCA/3465/2024

Click here to read/download original judgement

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