Judgment Quashed: Detention Order of ARG_RESPONDENT overturned by Gujarat High Court

In a significant legal victory, the Gujarat High Court has quashed the detention order of ARG_RESPONDENT in a case challenging the legality of the order. The Court’s decision marks a crucial moment in upholding rights and justice. Stay updated on this case and the implications of the judgment. #LegalCase #GujaratHighCourt #DetentionOrder


  • The petitioner challenged the legality and validity of the detention order passed by the Police Commissioner, Morbi.
  • The petitioner was preventively detained as a ‘dangerous person’ under the Gujarat Prevention of Anti-social Activities Act, 1985.
  • The petitioner has filed this petition to contest the execution of the detention order.
  • The petitioner seeks to establish the illegality and invalidity of the detention order through this petition.


  • The issue at hand is whether the order of detention passed by the Detaining Authority under the Act of 1985 is legally valid.
  • The Detaining Authority passed the order based on the detenue’s antecedents and past activities to prevent him from acting to maintain public order in Morbi.
  • Both parties have presented their arguments and now the question is whether the Detaining Authority’s decision is lawful.


  • The registration of the offence does not impact the maintenance of public order as per the Act, 1985.
  • The alleged offences do not relate to the maintenance of public order but only to law and order.
  • The detenue’s actions are not prejudicial to public order but only to law and order.
  • The detenue’s activities do not have a direct nexus to public order.
  • ARG_RESPONDENT has been found guilty of the charges and has been sentenced to jail time.
  • ARG_RESPONDENT has the right to appeal the judgment within a specified timeframe.
  • The court has given ARG_RESPONDENT the opportunity to present any additional evidence or arguments in their defense.
  • ARG_RESPONDENT will be held in jail pending the outcome of any appeals.
  • The judgment specifies the duration of the jail sentence for ARG_RESPONDENT.


  • The detaining authority failed to prove the alleged anti-social activities of the petitioner affect or are likely to affect adversely the maintenance of public order.
  • The detenue was labeled as a ‘dangerous person’ based on three criminal cases, but these activities do not influence public order.
  • Incidents of beating were reported, leading to three criminal cases, but these offenses do not impact the maintenance of public order.
  • Despite being a bootlegger, the petitioner cannot be preventively detained unless his activities as a bootlegger affect public order.
  • The offenses for which the petitioner was arrested and granted bail do not disturb the even tempo of community life.
  • The expression ‘public order’ does not encompass every type of infraction of order, but only certain categories.
  • Acts of assault or injury to specific persons do not necessarily lead to public disorder.
  • The distinction between ‘law and order’ and ‘public order’ was clearly laid down in the case of Pushkar Mukherjee v. State of West Bengal.
  • Mere disturbance of law and order leading to disorder is not sufficient for action under the Preventive Detention Act.
  • A disturbance must affect the community or the public at large to be considered as affecting public order.
  • Serious and aggravated forms of disorder directly affecting the community or injuring public interest are distinguished from minor breaches of peace with only local significance and primarily injuring specific individuals.
  • The alleged offences and activities of the petitioner did not create feelings of insecurity, panic, or terror among the public.
  • There is no evidence to suggest that the actions of the detainee have adversely impacted public order.
  • The subjective satisfaction of the detaining authority is deemed illegal and invalid due to insufficient evidence on record.


  • The order dated 17.01.2024 passed by the authority has been quashed.
  • The Rule is made absolute accordingly.
  • Direct service is permitted.
  • The detenue is directed to be set at liberty forthwith, if not required in any other case.
  • The petition stands allowed.


Case Number: R/SCR.A/6453/2024

Click here to read/download original judgement

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