National Task Force for Healthcare Safety: Ensuring Dignity and Protection for Medical Professionals

In a landmark judgment by the Supreme Court of India, the National Task Force for Healthcare Safety has been established to address the systemic failures in protecting medical professionals. The order focuses on ensuring safe working conditions and addressing gender-based violence in healthcare settings. It emphasizes the importance of creating dignified and secure environments for all healthcare workers. Let’s support the efforts to ensure the well-being of our medical professionals and uphold their rights.


  • The High Court transferred the investigation to the Central Bureau of Investigation by its order dated 13 August 2024.

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  • Several States have enacted legislation to protect healthcare service professionals from violence
  • Offences of violence against medical professionals are non-bailable and punishable with three years of imprisonment
  • Recent incidents of violence against medical professionals highlight a systemic failure to protect them
  • Women are at particular risk of sexual and non-sexual violence in healthcare settings
  • The lack of institutional safety norms in medical establishments against violence is a serious concern
  • The judgment addresses the lack of institutional safety standards in healthcare establishments.
  • It highlights the need to evolve a national consensus on formulating protocols for various issues raised in the order.
  • The focus is on ensuring safe working conditions for medical professionals.
  • Gender-based violence and lack of safety for all medical professionals are key concerns.
  • The NTF is tasked with making recommendations to remedy the highlighted issues.
  • Employers are reminded of their duties under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act.
  • The importance of creating dignified and safe working conditions is emphasized.
  • The need for proper coordination between the Union Government and State Governments is recognized.
  • Disclosure of information on security measures and facilities in hospitals is mandated.
  • The role of the Cabinet Secretary in associating with the work of the NTF is emphasized.
  • The judgment calls for adequate training, infrastructure, and measures to ensure the well-being of medical professionals.
  • A diverse body of persons with experience in healthcare institutions is included in the action plan.
  • Total number of social workers must be provided
  • Presence of police posts within the premises of the Hospital or the Medical College Hospital campus must be mentioned
  • Whether an Internal Complaints Committee in terms of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 has been constituted should be specified

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Case Number: SMW(Crl) No.-000002-000002 – 2024

Click here to read/download original judgement

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