Analysis of Property Ownership in a Legal Dispute

Explore the in-depth legal analysis conducted by the court regarding property ownership in a recent case. The court’s scrutiny of issues surrounding identification, ownership, and possession in the context of a legal dispute provides valuable insights into the complexities of property rights. Stay tuned to unravel the court’s meticulous examination in this fascinating case.


  • The plaintiff filed suit seeking permanent prohibitory injunction for the suit schedule property.
  • Defendant appealed under Section 96 of CPC and First Appellate Court restored trial court’s judgment.
  • Appellant was defendant, respondent was plaintiff.
  • High Court allowed appeal, restored trial court’s judgment.
  • Plaintiff preferred appeal to High Court in FAO (RO) No.229/2014 under Order 43 Rule 1(W) of CPC.
  • Cause of suit was obstruction by defendants during construction of a wall.
  • Plaintiff relied on exhibits A1 to A6, defendant filed detailed written statement.
  • Trial court decreed suit on 26.08.2011, defendant now aggrieved is appealing.
  • Plaintiff claimed right in property through Partition Deed No.2617 of 2007.
  • Court Commissioner’s report and sketch marked as Exhibits C1 and C1(a).
  • Trial court held plaintiff as owner in possession of the suit schedule property.
  • The High Court set aside the judgment of the lower appellate court and restored the decree passed by the trial court.
  • The lower appellate court remanded the suit to the trial court for fresh disposal.
  • The lower appellate court allowed the defendant to produce a certified copy of the Partition Deed.
  • The lower appellate court found that the suit was hurriedly tried without properly identifying the property and its measurement.
  • The High Court noted that since the suit was for perpetual injunction and the possession of the plaintiff was not seriously disputed, the title to the property was not relevant.
  • The High Court found that the identification of the property with reference to ownership was not justified in a suit for bare injunction.

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  • The trial court framed the issues based on the contentions raised in the pleadings.
  • The issues included the identification of the plaint schedule property, ownership, and possession by the plaintiff, and the question of non-joinder of necessary parties in the lawsuit.
  • The lower appellate court, in the appeal filed by the defendant, reevaluated the evidence and considered the defendant’s arguments regarding the nature of the property and its partition in 1964.

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  • In the present case, the contention of the learned senior advocate for the plaintiff is that the possession had been established before the trial court, justifying the granting of the decree.
  • The High Court has restored the decree based on the established possession, which according to the learned senior advocate does not warrant interference in this appeal.
  • It is argued that in a suit for a bare injunction, proof of title is not necessary, and possession of the property is the key factor to be considered.
  • The learned senior advocate cites the decision in the case of Ravinder Kaur Grewal & Ors. vs Manjit Kaur & Ors. (2019) 8 SCC 729, which emphasizes the relevance of possession, even adverse possession, in such cases.
  • The nature of the plaint averments indicates that the parties are related and the property was partitioned under Deed No.2617/2007.
  • Dispute arose when plaintiff tried to construct a wall and defendants objected.
  • Prayer in the plaint sought a permanent prohibitory injunction against trespassing, questioning plaintiff’s right, obstructing enjoyment, and committing waste.
  • Defendant challenged plaintiff’s right, not just interference with possession.
  • Plaintiff did not seek a declaration of their right over the property when it was challenged, making the suit not maintainable.
  • Defendant’s written statement raised objections regarding the flow of property rights post-partition Deed No.651/1964.
  • Shares enjoyed by parties, location, and measurement of rights disputed.
  • Lower appellate court rightly remanded the matter for appropriate consideration, which should not have been interfered with by the High Court.

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  • Identity of the property and ownership are crucial issues in this case.
  • The plaintiff did not object to the issues framed by the trial court.
  • The entitlement of the plaintiff for the injunction as prayed for is a key consideration.
  • The court will need to determine if the cause of action alleged is true and correct.
  • The plaintiff did not file any application under Order 14 Rule 5 CPC for amendment or to strike out the issues.
  • Evidence was tendered based on the issues, and Issue Nos.1 and 2 were considered by the trial court in favor of the plaintiff.
  • Defendant questioned the trial court’s conclusion and sought to produce additional evidence under Order 41 Rule 27 CPC.
  • Lower appellate court remanded the matter to the trial court for reconsideration in the background of additional evidence.
  • High Court’s observation on possession being the only consideration for a perpetual injunction suit was deemed unjustified.
  • Conclusion of the lower appellate court to remand the matter for reconsideration by the trial court was the appropriate course.


  • The parties to bear their own costs in the case.
  • Pending application, if any, stands disposed of.
  • The judgment dated 31.03.2014 passed by the Additional District Judge, North Paravur in A.S. No.186/2011 is restored.
  • The appeal is allowed, and RO No.229/2014 is set aside.

Case Title: JOSE Vs. JOHNSON (2020 INSC 242)

Case Number: C.A. No.-001892-001892 / 2020

Click here to read/download original judgement

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