Legal Analysis in High Court Order

In a recent legal development, a High Court order has shed light on the importance of sticking to the specific controversies at hand during legal proceedings. The court’s emphasis on avoiding sweeping observations beyond the immediate issues showcases the importance of focusing on the legal merits of a case. Let’s delve into the significance of this legal analysis and its implications for future court proceedings.


  • The Union of India is aggrieved and dissatisfied with some observations made by the High Court of Delhi in its order dated 19.01.2021.
  • The observations in the last paragraph of the order while disposing of Writ Petition No 5700/2020 have prompted the Union of India to file the present appeals.
  • Respondent no.1 filed the writ petition challenging the Letter of Acceptance issued by the Union of India in favor of respondent no.2 for lot No.3
  • The Letter of Acceptance was issued on 05.06.2020
  • The tender pertained to lot No.3; ICB Ref. No 21/TCSP/GOODS/P41/2018/TR/TC (Package- 41)

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  • The High Court declined to interfere in the proceedings due to substantial time elapsed since the award of the tender in favor of respondent no.2
  • The writ petition was disposed of with liberty for the original writ petitioner to raise all its pleas and claim reliefs in an appropriate civil proceeding
  • The High Court made observations while not entertaining the writ petition, highlighting the above points

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  • Petitioner allowed to make a representation to the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.
  • Representation should highlight wrongful evaluation of bids and discrimination faced by some bidders.
  • PMO requested to ensure the representation reaches the Hon’ble Prime Minister.
  • Granting liberty to petitioner due to being an Indian manufacturer with a previous merit-based claim.
  • Observations by the High Court regarding discrimination against Indian bidders were found unwarranted.
  • Government’s emphasis on ‘Make in India’ supports the petitioner’s grievances and requires serious consideration.

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  • The High Court’s general observations should have been avoided as it did not go into the merits of the petitioner’s claim or the respondent’s defense.
  • General observations should have been restricted to the specific controversy between the parties before the High Court.
  • General observations on Indian bidders being discriminated against should not have been made based on a solitary case.
  • High Courts are advised to refrain from making sweeping observations beyond the issues before them.
  • The appeals succeeded in part due to the above reasons.
  • The High Court granted the petitioner the liberty to make a representation to the Prime Minister highlighting the alleged wrongful evaluation of bids and discrimination against Indian bidders.


  • The High Court did not decide the writ petition on merits
  • Orders to be expunged/set aside from the High Court’s order
  • The appeals are partly allowed


Case Number: C.A. No.-001332-001333 / 2022

Click here to read/download original judgement

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