Legal Analysis in Impleadment Case

Delve into a case where the court emphasized the criticality of legal analysis in impleadment matters. Explore the necessity of thorough discussion and reasoning in first appeals under Section 96 CPC. Discover how a focus on points for determination and consideration of both facts and law can impact judgments. Stay informed on the nuances of court decisions with a spotlight on legal analysis.


  • The High Court’s order did not provide any reasons for impleading the proposed respondents in the first appeal.
  • The High Court allowed the application and directed to implead A.P. Transco as a party to the appeal and the original suit.
  • Original plaintiff is aggrieved by the High Court’s judgment quashing the trial court’s decision and remanding the matter.
  • Original defendants challenged the judgment and decree passed by the trial court in the High Court.
  • The suit filed by the appellant for recovery of Rs.47,90,088/- was decreed by the trial court.
  • Original defendants sought impleadment of A.P. Transco and MAYTAS Infra Pvt. Ltd. in the appeal, stating that the work was originally given by A.P. Transco to the appellant.

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  • The High Court allowed the application for impleadment without discussing the merits of the case.
  • The High Court remanded the matter to the trial court solely based on the impleadment of a party.
  • The plaintiff, as per legal principles, is the dominus litis and no issue of non-joinder of parties was raised earlier.
  • The High Court did not analyze whether impleading A.P. Transco in the appeal was maintainable or not.
  • The High Court did not provide reasoning on why A.P. Transco needed to be impleaded as a party to the appeal.
  • The High Court set aside the trial court’s judgment without delving into the merits of the case.
  • How to deal with and decide a first appeal under Section 96 and Order XLI Rule 31 of the CPC has been dealt with by this Court in a catena of decisions.
  • Observation in the case of K. Karuppuraj Vs. M. Ganesan, Civil Appeal Nos. 6014-6015 of 2021 decided on 04.10.2021 regarding the importance of framing points for determination and considering both facts and law.
  • The impugned judgment and order passed by the High Court were set aside.
  • The judgment and decree passed by the trial court were reinstated.
  • A First Appellate Court cannot dispose of a first appeal under Section 96 CPC without proper discussion and reasons.
  • Points for determination as provided under Order XLI Rule 31 CPC must be raised.

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  • The present appeal was allowed, and the order impleading A.P. Transco as a party to the appeal and original suit was set aside.
  • The High Court was directed to determine the maintainability of the application by the original defendants to include A.P. Transco as a party in the appeal.
  • The matter was remanded to the High Court to decide CCCAMP No. 246 of 2017 and the first appeal according to the law and merits.
  • Exemplary cost of Rs.25,000/- was imposed on respondent Nos. 1 and 2, to be deposited with the State Legal Services Authority of the concerned High Court within four weeks.

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Case Number: C.A. No.-007639-007639 / 2021

Click here to read/download original judgement

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