Legal Analysis on Authority to Appoint Hostel Warden

Explore the intricate legal analysis conducted by the court regarding the authority vested in educational institutions for appointing a Hostel Warden. The judgment delineates the roles of the Governing Body, Staff Council, and Principal, shedding light on the nuanced aspects of administrative affairs within the college. Stay tuned to unravel the legal intricacies surrounding the appointment process of a Hostel Warden in educational institutions.


  • Respondent No.1 filed a letter to the Chairperson asking for the withdrawal of a show cause notice
  • The Principal appointed respondent No.1 as a Hostel Warden with effect from 21.05.2016
  • The Division Bench did not interfere with the directions of the Single Judge but issued additional directions
  • The Governing Body convened a meeting on 07.04.2018 and issued agendas to the members
  • The Principal extended the term of appointment of respondent No.4 as Warden of the Hostel, causing dissent from the Chairperson
  • The appointment of respondent No.1 as Warden was deemed illegal by the Governing Body
  • Various legal actions were taken, including a Writ Petition by respondent No.1
  • The Division Bench passed orders clarifying that the pendency of the appeal should not hinder the Single Judge in deciding the writ petition.
  • The Chairperson of the Governing Body, Daulat Ram College, appealed against the Division Bench’s judgment of 06.03.2019.
  • The Single Judge on 19.08.2016 ordered status quo regarding the petitioner’s position as Warden of the Daulat Ram College Hostel.
  • Dr. Kavita Sharma, if not appointed as Warden, should hand over charge to the newly appointed Warden.
  • The Matron is also directed to abide by the given directions.
  • Minutes of the Staff Council and Governing Body meetings should be presented before the Court in compliance with the directions.
  • A Letters Patent Appeal was filed by respondent No.3, Principal of Daulat Ram College, against the order dated 25.11.2016.
  • The Division Bench on 22.12.2016 directed the matter to be listed on 10.01.2017 while maintaining status quo.
  • The Single Judge vacated the interim order dated 19.08.2016 after hearing the parties.
  • The detailed order dated 25.11.2016 provided further clarification on the interim order.

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  • Principal of the College is entitled to make appointments, as per University Grants Commission guidelines.
  • Letter from University Grants Commission does not give authority to the Principal to appoint the Warden of the Hostel of the College.
  • The Vice-Chancellor’s letter and the University’s Executive Council decision confirm the Principal as the appointing authority of the Warden.
  • The Division Bench’s directions were seen as encroaching on the Governing Body’s authority to appoint the Warden.
  • The Staff Council does not have a role in the appointment process of the Warden, which falls under the Principal’s jurisdiction.
  • Daulat Ram College is primarily funded by the University Grants Commission and a small portion by the Society-Trust.
  • The Governing Body of the College is stated as the appointing authority for the Warden of the Hostel.
  • All Colleges affiliated to or constituent of University of Delhi invite applications from interested teachers by putting up a notice by the Principal.
  • The Principal recommends/shortlists names for appointment, which is then approved by the Governing Body.
  • There is no specific provision in the University of Delhi Act, 1922, Statutes, and Ordinance for appointing existing teaching staff in an honorary capacity as Warden of a College Hostel.

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  • The appointment of Warden is considered an administrative affair of the College, with the University having no role in the process.
  • The authority to appoint the Warden of the College Hostel lies with the Governing Body of the College.
  • Staff Council is not empowered to make recommendations regarding the appointment of the Warden.
  • The appointment process typically involves inviting applications through the Principal, recommendation by the Principal, and final decision by the Governing Body.
  • The appointment procedures are private matters concerning the respective college, not explicitly provided for in the University Act, Statutes, and Ordinances.
  • The Governing Body has general supervision of the College
  • The Staff Council is responsible for various matters such as preparation of time-table, organizing extra-curricular activities, and laying down guidelines for purchase of library books
  • The Staff Council also makes recommendations on matters such as new teaching posts, admission policy, student welfare, discipline, and teacher participation in seminars
  • The Secretary of the Staff Council may be re-elected for a second term but not more than two consecutive terms
  • The Principal acts as the Principal-in-Council in matters where the Staff Council is required to take decisions
  • The Principal is the ex-officio Chairman of the Staff Council
  • There shall be a Staff Council in every College with an elected Secretary holding office for a one-year term

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  • Governing Body should initiate the process for fresh appointment of Warden of the Hostel by inviting applications through the College Principal before the Hostel is open for housing students.
  • Applications received will be reviewed by the Staff Council, who will make recommendations by 1st April 2019.
  • The Governing Body must make a decision on the Staff Council’s recommendations by 10th April 2019.
  • If the Governing Body does not accept the Staff Council’s recommendations, it must provide reasons which will be included in the meeting minutes sent to the Staff Council by 15th April 2019.
  • The Governing Body will be bound by the Staff Council’s recommendation and must make a decision on the Warden appointment by 20th April 2019.
  • The directions in paragraph 41 of the Division Bench judgment are set aside.


Case Number: C.A. No.-000013-000013 / 2021

Click here to read/download original judgement

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