Legal Analysis on Termination and Remedies in Employment Contract Case

Explore a complex legal scenario involving the termination of an employee in an employment contract case. The focus is on the court’s in-depth analysis of the breach of Sections 25-F and 25-G of the Industrial Disputes Act and the consideration of suitable remedies. Discover the nuances of the court’s legal reasoning in handling employment contract disputes.


  • The respondent-workman was appointed as a sweeper on a consolidated honorarium of Rs.500/- per month.
  • The MSRTC terminated the respondent’s services after the contractual period was completed.
  • The High Court, in a series of judgments, ordered reinstatement of the respondent with back wages.
  • The MSRTC has filed appeals against these orders, contending that the respondent’s appointment was purely contractual and for a specific period.
  • The appellant argues that the High Court erred in reinstating the respondent and holding a breach of Sections 25-F and 25-G of the Industrial Disputes Act.
  • Complainant filed a complaint challenging her termination under Section 28 of the Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions & Prevention of Unfair Labour Practices Act, 1971.
  • Complainant worked as a sweeper on a contractual basis and was terminated without notice or compensation.
  • The Labour Court ruled in favor of the complainant, directing the MSRTC to reinstate her with back wages.
  • Violation of Sections 25-F and 25-G of the Industrial Disputes Act was cited as the reason for the reinstatement.
  • Applicability of Section 2(oo)(bb) of the Industrial Disputes Act was recognized by the Labour Court.

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  • The termination of the respondent was found to be in breach of Sections 25-F and 25-G of the Industrial Disputes Act by the three courts below.
  • As the respondent was serving as a part-timer on a contractual basis, Section 2(oo)(bb) of the Industrial Disputes Act was deemed inapplicable, and therefore, no violation of Sections 25-F and 25-G occurred according to the Labour Court and High Court.
  • The Labour Court rightly ordered reinstatement with back wages upon determining the termination to be in breach of Sections 25-F and 25-G of the Industrial Disputes Act.
  • The respondent continuously worked until her services were terminated
  • There was no break in service
  • The termination is considered to be in violation of Sections 25-F and 25-G of the Industrial Disputes Act

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  • The appellant’s appointment was on a contractual basis and not on a fixed term basis.
  • The Labour Court found the termination to be in breach of Sections 25-F and 25-G of the Industrial Disputes Act.
  • No specific allegations of unfair labor practices were made in the complaint.
  • The respondent worked for approximately four years on a fixed salary/honorarium of Rs. 500 per month.
  • The courts below, except the Industrial Court, held the termination to be in violation of Industrial Disputes Act sections.
  • The Labour Court ordered reinstatement with back wages for the respondent.
  • In lieu of reinstatement and back wages, a lumpsum compensation of Rs. 3,00,000 is recommended as a just resolution.
  • Appointment was on fixed salary/honorarium of Rs. 500 per month
  • Reinstatement with back wages not warranted in this case
  • Lump sum compensation recommended as a more suitable remedy for justice

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  • The present appeal succeeds in part
  • No order as to costs is given
  • The impugned judgment and order passed by the Division Bench of the High Court and the judgment and award passed by the Labour Court are modified
  • Instead of reinstatement and back wages, a lumpsum compensation of Rs. 3,00,000/- is directed to be paid to the respondent within four weeks


Case Number: C.A. No.-000463-000463 / 2022

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