NEET (UG) 2024 Examination Integrity Case: Supreme Court Verdict

The Supreme Court of India has delivered a crucial judgment in the NEET (UG) 2024 Examination Integrity Case. The case involved the National Testing Agency (NTA) and the Union of India in a dispute regarding the alleged question paper leakage and systemic deficiencies in the examination process. The Court’s decision, aimed at ensuring fairness and transparency, has far-reaching implications for over two million students who appeared for the exam. Let’s delve into the details of this landmark judgment.


  • NEET (UG) 2024 examination conducted by National Testing Agency on 5 May 2024.
  • FIRs registered in multiple states transferred to CBI for investigation.
  • NTA, Union of India, and CBI called for disclosures on affidavit by interim order dated 8 July 2024.
  • Petitioners assert for a re-test due to question paper leakage and systemic deficiencies in examination
  • Examination conducted at 4,750 centers in 571 cities and 14 overseas cities.
  • Threshold for qualification set at 50th percentile (164 marks out of 720).
  • One negative mark for an incorrect answer.
  • Candidates meeting the threshold considered for admission but not guaranteed into MBBS program.
  • The Court noted the need to scrutinize certain aspects based on the data emerging on the record.
  • These aspects include whether the alleged breach occurred at a systemic level, whether it affects the integrity of the examination process as a whole, and if it is possible to differentiate between those benefiting from the fraud and untainted students.
  • Specific disclosures were requested from relevant agencies of the Union to address the highlighted issues.
  • Arguments were heard over four days, considering submissions from the petitioners, the Union of India, and the National Testing Agency.

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  • An investigation by the CBI revealed a potential involvement of an increased number of beneficiaries beyond the current suspects.
  • The investigation is ongoing as per disclosures by the CBI.
  • As of now, around 155 students from Hazaribagh and Patna centers are suspected beneficiaries of the fraud.
  • The court independently reviewed the NTA data to avoid controversy.
  • At present, there is no conclusive evidence to suggest the entire exam result is compromised or that there was a systemic breach.
  • The data analysis does not show a systemic question paper leak affecting exam integrity.
  • The court’s decision will be based on segregating tainted students from untainted ones.
  • The matter affects the careers of over two million students, necessitating urgency in resolution.
  • The objection to alleged bias in the IIT Madras report will be addressed later.
  • NTA will update the ranks of all candidates based on the correct option determined by the IIT Delhi panel.
  • The principal issue before the Court is the sanctity of the NEET (UG) 2024 examination.
  • The Court has decided not to scrap the test and reconvene a fresh examination.
  • Students with individual grievances can pursue their rights and remedies through the jurisdictional High Courts under Article 226 of the Constitution.

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  • Permission granted to amend the petition during the week.
  • Petitioners must seek withdrawal of their petitions before moving the High Court for relief.
  • Committee to abide by further directions issued by the Court in its final judgment for the NEET (UG) examinations.
  • Transfer petitions regarding the validity of NEET (UG) 2024 allowed.
  • Multiple Writ Petitions and Interlocutory Applications dismissed as withdrawn with liberty to pursue rights in accordance with the law.
  • Individual grievances may be addressed before the jurisdictional High Court.

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Case Number: W.P.(C) No.-000335 – 2024

Click here to read/download original judgement

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