Qualification Criteria in Teacher Selection Process Case

Explore the nuances of qualification criteria in teacher selection processes as scrutinized by the courts. The case delves into the specific requirements for candidates applying for the positions of Graduate Trained Teachers and Postgraduate Trained Teachers in subjects like History and Civics. It highlights the court’s emphasis on adherence to the advertised qualifications and the role of Expert Committees in determining educational standards. Follow the legal analysis closely to understand the implications of qualification discrepancies in the recruitment process.


  • Department of Personnel, Administrative Reforms and Rajbhasha requisitioned J.S.S.C. for selection process of Graduate Trained Teachers
  • J.S.S.C. initiated selection process for Graduate Trained Teachers based on the requisition
  • Candidates with degree exclusively in ‘History’ were considered eligible as per the advertisement
  • Division Bench of the High Court confirmed Single Judge’s dismissal of writ petitions filed by original petitioners
  • Single Judge ruled that having a Bachelor degree in a branch of History does not fulfill the requirement of a degree in the subject ‘History’ as a whole
  • Original petitioners appealed against the High Court’s decision
  • Several petitioners applied for the position of Graduate Trained Teachers in History and Civics based on an advertisement.
  • They possessed Graduate Degrees in various branches of History, not specifically in ‘History’ as required by the advertisement.
  • Show cause notices were issued to the petitioners for not meeting the qualification criteria specified in the advertisement.
  • Some petitioners filed writ petitions in the High Court after their candidatures were canceled.
  • The Department forwarded requisitions to the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission for the selection process of Postgraduate Trained Teachers.
  • The Commission initiated the selection process for Postgraduate Trained Teachers in subjects like Chemistry, Physics, and History.
  • Applicants mentioned being Graduates in History and Political Science in their application forms.
  • Successful candidates were called for verification of their testimonials post-examination results.
  • Some petitioners had Postgraduate degrees in various branches of History, not specifically ‘History’ as required.
  • Show-cause notices were issued to petitioners for failing to submit a Postgraduate degree in ‘History’ as per the advertisement criteria.
  • Some petitioners filed writ petitions before the High Court, while others did so after their candidatures were canceled.

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  • The requirement for the post was specific – ‘History/Civics’.
  • The Universities only provide degree certificates in specialized branches of History, not in History as a whole.
  • The decision of appointing candidates with degrees in History was supported by an Expert Committee.
  • The learned Single Judge’s decision in a similar case was referred to, where the qualification for ‘History/Civics’ was deemed arbitrary and illegal.
  • There were inconsistencies in the advertisement for the posts in ‘History/Civics’.
  • Different universities confer degrees in various branches of History, indicating specialization.
  • Candidates had minimum educational qualifications as a Graduate in a related subject.
  • The advertisement required a degree in ‘History’ for both P.G.T.T. and G.T.T. posts.
  • The confusion stemmed from the use of ‘History/Civics’ in the advertisement.
  • No Expert Committee was constituted for G.T.T. candidates.
  • Not all G.T.T. candidates had degrees specifically in History.
  • Candidates had degrees in specialized branches of History such as Indian Ancient History and Culture.
  • The applications were invited based on specific requirements.
  • Shri Sinha, a Senior Advocate for the impleaders, argued that the already appointed candidates possessed a degree in History, not in a specific branch of History.
  • It was contended that the original writ petitioners did not meet the requisite qualifications outlined in the advertisement.
  • The learned Single Judge and the High Court were acknowledged for denying relief to the petitioners based on this qualification mismatch.

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  • The dispute is regarding the qualifications required for the posts of Postgraduate Trained Teacher in History and Graduate Trained Teachers in History/Civics.
  • The educational qualifications specifically mentioned in the advertisement were a Postgraduate/Bachelor degree in ‘History’ as a whole.
  • The controversy arose because some candidates had obtained degrees in specific branches of History, such as Indian Ancient History, Culture, and Archaeology.
  • The Expert Committee opined that degrees in one branch of History did not fulfill the requirement of a degree in History as a whole.
  • The Court emphasized that a History teacher must be able to teach all aspects of History and that the determination of qualifications should be left to educational institutions and Expert Committees.
  • The cancellation of candidature was upheld by both the Single Judge and the Division Bench of the High Court as the candidates did not meet the specified qualification of a degree in History.
  • The decision not to interfere with the cancellation was considered appropriate in the given circumstances.
  • The candidature/selection of the petitioners was cancelled due to not having the requisite qualification for the post.
  • The required qualification was a Postgraduate/Bachelor degree in History as per the advertisement No.21 of 2016 and 10 of 2017.
  • The learned Single Judge’s judgment was upheld by the Division Bench of the High Court.

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  • All appeals have failed and are dismissed
  • No order as to costs in this case


Case Number: C.A. No.-002217-002218 / 2022

Click here to read/download original judgement

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