Tripura Medical College Management Decision Case

In a significant legal case regarding the management of Tripura Medical College, the Supreme Court of India has made a ruling that could impact the future of medical education in the region. The case involved a directive to the State government to make an administrative decision regarding the institution. The Court’s decision follows a dispute between the State government and the Society entrusted with running the College. Stay tuned to learn more about this important development in healthcare administration.


  • A Division Bench of the High Court of Tripura directed the State government to make an administrative decision regarding the Tripura Medical College and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Memorial Teaching Hospital within three months.
  • The High Court ordered the State government to either reconstitute the managing committee of the Tripura Medical College enabling the Society to have actual administrative control, or retain control with all consequences.
  • In compliance with the High Court’s judgment, the State reconstituted the Society for the Tripura Medical College.
  • The Society established its own recruitment rules and formulated a pay structure for the institution.
  • NGO entrusted with running Tripura Medical College expressed inability to continue in April 2009
  • Societies formed by government not necessarily government undertakings
  • State government aims for transparent management of medical colleges to provide medical education and facilities in Tripura
  • Colleges run on self-sustaining model dependent on revenue from tuition fees and medical services
  • Government releases finances treated as interest-free loan to be repaid over 15 years
  • Permission granted for second batch, but not in 2008-09 due to infrastructure deficiency
  • Constitution of Society recast as per directions of High Court
  • Government nominees involved in Society to ensure proper utilization of finances
  • Initially, Tripura Medical College managed by NGO ‘Global Educational Net’ under agreement dated 7 October 2004
  • First batch of 100 students admitted in 2006-07 after securing permission from Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
  • State government constituted society chaired by Principal Secretary in Health and Family Welfare Department in May 2009 to safeguard interests of 200 students
  • Fresh writ petition filed in public interest challenging admission procedure and fees charged from students

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  • High Court did not issue a mandamus to the State government to run the Tripura Medical College as a government institution.
  • High Court observed that if the State government were not to administer the Tripura Medical College as an adjunct of the State, it should constitute an independent society.
  • State government has constituted a society with its own Memorandum and Bye-laws in response to the directions.
  • The Society has its own governing body and formulates recruitment rules while conducting the affairs of the Tripura Medical College.
  • The matter of whether the State government should run the College as a department of the government depends on multiple circumstances including resources and expertise.
  • The appellant raised a policy issue, and it was not appropriate for the High Court to direct the State government on the operational model of the Medical College.
  • Underlying material is necessary to determine the reasonableness of student fees charged.
  • The Court will not determine the correctness of the State government’s policy decision.
  • The Court refuses to interfere with a policy decision made by the State government.

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  • The appeal is dismissed with no costs.
  • No merit was found in the appeal.
  • Reasons for finding no merit include lack of persuasive arguments.

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Case Number: C.A. No.-005708-005708 / 2019

Click here to read/download original judgement

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