Analysis of Dying Declaration in a Criminal Case

In a recent legal case, the court’s analysis of a dying declaration played a pivotal role in convicting the accused. The judgment highlighted the importance of a reliable and coherent statement from a deceased victim as a basis for conviction. This blog post will delve into the legal nuances of utilizing dying declarations in criminal proceedings and the factors considered by the court in reaching its verdict.


  • The appeals challenge the High Court’s judgment dated 17 December 2019, which upheld the conviction and sentence of the appellants.
  • The trial court found the prosecution had proven the case against the accused beyond reasonable doubt.
  • The accused/appellants were convicted for offenses under Sections 302 and 34 of the IPC and sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • Raj Kumar Bhaskar (PW-5) was summoned to record the statement of Shahin Parveen (deceased) in the hospital.
  • The case was committed to the Sessions Court for trial.
  • Charge-sheet filed altering the case to an offence under Section 302 of IPC.
  • Post-Mortem Report revealed shock as cause of death due to burn injuries.
  • Deceased pressured into immoral trafficking, leading to assault and eventual death.
  • Dying declaration recorded by PW-5 between 08:48 pm and 09:15 pm.
  • Accused No.1 claimed absence at the time, while No.2 and No.3 denied involvement.
  • FIR registered based on PW-3’s written report with deceased’s thumb impression.
  • Charges framed for offences under Sections 302 and 34 of IPC.
  • Deceased succumbed to injuries at Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi.
  • Accused/appellants surrounded the victim preventing her escape.
  • Accused poured kerosene and set the deceased on fire leading to her admission to the hospital.
  • Accused preferred appeals in the High Court against the verdict.
  • Police received written report based on deceased’s complaint while she was admitted in the hospital with burns.
  • 8 witnesses examined by the prosecution to prove guilt of accused persons.
  • Deceased had been residing with accused/appellants after the death of her husband.
  • Accused pleaded not guilty and claimed trial, as per the deceased’s complaint accusing them of setting her ablaze.

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  • The dying declaration (Ext. Ka-6) is not free from doubt.
  • It is impossible for the dying declaration to have been recorded between 08:48 pm and 09:15 pm.
  • The conviction is based solely on the dying declaration of the deceased (Ex. Ka-6).
  • The dying declaration also contains certification by Dr. A.K. Singh regarding the victim’s medical fitness.
  • No interference is warranted with the concurrent findings of the trial court and High Court.
  • The dying declaration cannot be considered trustworthy, reliable, and cogent for conviction.
  • The Discharge Slip (Ext. Ka-7) indicates the deceased was discharged from District Hospital, Moradabad on December 1, 2016, at 05:00 pm.
  • Raj Kumar Bhaskar (PW-5) testified about the dying declaration (Ext. Ka-6).

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  • Concurrent findings affirm the truth and coherence of the dying declaration, attributing motive to accused No 1 Pappi @ Mashkoor.
  • Dying declaration deemed trustworthy and reliable for conviction.
  • Certification by Dr. A.K. Singh verifies victim’s consciousness and fitness to provide statement.
  • A clear directive from the Court allows for conviction based solely on a reliable dying declaration without the need for corroboration.
  • All aspects of the recording process described by witnesses and medical professionals ensure the authenticity of the dying declaration.
  • Eyewitness affirmation of deceased not in fit and conscious state overrides medical opinion on dying declaration
  • Court can use dying declaration as basis for conviction if it is true, free from inducement, coherent, and consistent
  • Dying declaration can be sole basis for conviction if it inspires full confidence of the court, as per Atbir v. Government of NCT of Delhi case
  • Factors for considering conviction based on dying declaration laid out in the judgment
  • No specific role of accused No 2 Naeema and accused No 3 Naeem in assisting accused No 1 Pappi @ Mashkoor could be found in the dying declaration (Ext. Ka-6)
  • Accused No 1 Pappi @ Mashkoor can be convicted based on the dying declaration, but accused No 2 Naeema and accused No 3 Naeem are entitled to the benefit of doubt

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  • Criminal Appeal No 1978 of 2022 and 1979 of 2022 for appellants Naeem and Naeema allowed
  • Order of conviction and sentence dated 24 October 2017 quashed and set aside
  • Appellants Naeem and Naeema acquitted of all charges, directed to be released
  • Criminal Appeal No 1979 of 2022 for appellant Pappi @ Mashkoor dismissed


Case Number: Crl.A. No.-001978-001978 / 2022

Click here to read/download original judgement

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