High-Powered Sale Committee Formation for Asset Auction in Sai Group of Companies Case

In a significant development, the Supreme Court of India has formed a High-Powered Sale Committee to oversee the auction of assets in the Sai Group of Companies case. This committee will play a crucial role in managing the sale of immovable properties to settle liabilities and claims. Stay informed about this landmark legal decision involving the Sai Group of Companies.


  • Multiple complaints received by SEBI against Sai Group of Companies
  • Interim orders and show-cause notices issued against SPFL, SSSCL, and SPPL
  • Direction to refrain from collecting money from investors and launching new schemes
  • Orders against SPPL, SPFL, and SSSCL for violations and restrictions on activities
  • Penalties imposed, winding up of schemes, and refund directives
  • FIRs registered against the Petitioners under various Acts in multiple states
  • Restrictions on accessing securities market for SPCL and its Directors
  • Allegations of illegal mobilization of funds and violations of SEBI Act
  • Direction to abstain from collecting money and carrying out investment schemes
  • Assets of companies attached, properties auctioned, and funds to be refunded to investors
  • Ongoing investigations, arrests, and bail conditions imposed on the Petitioners

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  • The parties agree that the liability of each Company can be settled from the sale proceeds of some immovable properties.
  • Liquidating all assets through public auctions is complex due to various factors like property location, encumbrances, and market value.
  • SEBI has auctioned some assets and agreed to form a High-Powered Sale Committee (HPSC) for auctioning remaining assets to satisfy claims and liabilities.
  • The HPSC will handle the sale process, with expenses reimbursed from sale proceeds.
  • The HPSC is directed to conclude the process within a year, involving experts and following legal procedures.
  • A detailed process for sale, valuation, and auction of assets to be followed by the HPSC.
  • States are directed to provide assistance in securing and protecting Company properties.
  • Remuneration for the HPSC members and Chairperson to be determined from sale proceeds.
  • SEBI to deposit sale proceeds in a separate account for refunds to investors.
  • Investor claims to be invited through public notices for refund process.
  • The HPSC will identify investors, determine refund amounts, and ensure a transparent refund process.
  • Petitioners and Companies to submit details of assets and cooperate with HPSC for sale deeds, especially in case of disputes.
  • Private guards may be deployed for property protection if needed.
  • SEBI to assist HPSC in administrative setup and infrastructure.
  • HPSC to have discretion in decision-making and operational matters for efficient functioning.
  • In the second order dated 29 March, 2023, in the case involving Pinak Pani Mohanty v. Union of India & Ors., a High-Powered Committee was established to oversee the disbursement of Rs. 5000 crores to depositors of the Sahara Group of Co-operative Societies.
  • The High-Powered Committee is led by a former Judge of the Court.
  • An honorarium of Rs. 15 lakhs per month was directed to be paid to the former Judge, along with Rs. 5 lakhs per month to the amicus curiae.
  • In the first order dated 4 May, 2022, in the case of National Spot Exchange Ltd. v. Union of India & Ors., a ‘Supreme Court Committee’ under a former Chief Justice of the High Court was formed to handle the sale of attached properties and distribution of sale proceeds to investors.
  • The Court decided that the learned Judge would determine their own fee rather than having it fixed by the Court.
  • The learned Member, a former Judge of the High Court, will be provided with additional compensation for travelling, boarding, and other miscellaneous expenses related to their assigned responsibilities.
  • This compensation is in addition to any expenses incurred in carrying out their duties.
  • The former Judge will receive support for expenses needed to discharge the assigned responsibilities.

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  • The Chairperson of the HPSC is entitled to an honorarium of Rs. 2 lakhs per sitting day.
  • States of Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana must provide full cooperation to HPSC.
  • SEBI and the Petitioners are directed to extend full cooperation to the HPSC.
  • Petitioner Nos. 1 and 2 are directed to be enlarged on interim bail in Case No 7 / 2016.
  • The Chairperson of the HPSC shall be entitled to an honorarium of Rs. 75 thousand per sitting day in certain circumstances.
  • HPSC can seek further guidelines or clarifications as required.
  • Member Secretary cum Nodal Officer of the Committee is entitled to an honorarium of Rs. 1.50 lakhs per sitting day.

Also Read: State of Kerala vs. Union of India: Fiscal Responsibility Case


Case Number: W.P.(Crl.) No.-000546 – 2023

Click here to read/download original judgement

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