Legal Analysis in a Landmark Case

In a pivotal legal case, the court’s thorough legal analysis played a crucial role in reaching a just decision. The court meticulously examined the evidence presented, including forensic reports and eyewitness testimonies, to ensure a fair trial. This case serves as a notable example of how a sound legal analysis is essential in upholding justice and delivering the right verdict.


  • Accused Pardeep was found guilty for firing a shot at Surender, resulting in his death.
  • Weapons and projectiles recovered from the deceased were sent for analysis to the Forensic Science Laboratory.
  • Witnesses like Rajbir Singh, Kaushalya, and Preeti provided consistent eye-witness accounts of the occurrence.
  • The post mortem report indicated a penetrating lacerated wound on the deceased’s skull.
  • Accused Pardeep’s statement led to the recovery of the firearm used in the crime.
  • The Trial Court’s judgment on 18.03.2009 declared all accused as guilty of the charged offenses.
  • Accused Ishwar, Krishana Devi, and Sandeep instigated accused Pardeep to shoot the deceased.
  • Accused Pardeep was separately convicted under Section 25 of the Arms Act, 1959.
  • All accused filed a common appeal which was dismissed by the High Court.
  • Trial Court convicted and sentenced all accused to life imprisonment under Sections 302 read with 34 IPC.
  • High Court found that Pardeep’s presence during Inquest Proceedings was not established.
  • Krishana Devi filed Special Leave Petition which was dismissed by the Supreme Court.
  • The appeals arise from the High Court’s judgment affirming the convictions and sentences of all the appellants.

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  • First Information Report filed promptly after the incident.
  • High Court’s reasoning on the presence of accused Pardeep found sound and correct.
  • Corroboration of the earliest witness versions.
  • The High Court’s decision supported by the evidence presented.

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  • The trajectory of the entry of the bullet is consistent with the deceased being shot from the roof of the house.
  • The accused Pardeep fired the fatal shot from the roof of the house, as established by eyewitness accounts and corroborative evidence.
  • The weapon of offense recovered from accused-Pardeep was linked to the crime by the Forensic Science Laboratory report.
  • Accused-Pardeep retrieved the firearm, went to the rooftop, and received crucial exhortation from accused-Sandeep there.
  • Eyewitness statements are cogent and consistent with the initial version in the First Information Report.
  • The parents exhorted accused-Pardeep and accused-Sandeep to teach a lesson to the deceased.
  • The involvement of accused-Pardeep in the offense is unequivocal.
  • The role of Ishwar and Krishana, parents of accused-Pardeep, was of initial exhortation in the crime.
  • Accused-Pardeep and accused-Sandeep are found guilty based on the exhortations given before a shot was fired.
  • Accused-Sandeep’s exhortation was considered more impactful as he had seen accused-Pardeep with the firearm on the rooftop.
  • Accused Ishwar and accused Krishana Devi are given the benefit of doubt and their involvement is not proven beyond reasonable doubt.
  • The case of prosecution is proved against accused-Pardeep and accused-Sandeep while acquitted accused Ishwar and Krishana Devi.
  • Criminal Appeal Nos.1613 and 1614 of 2018 by accused-Sandeep and Pardeep are dismissed while Criminal Appeal No.1615 of 2018 by accused Ishwar and Criminal Appeal from SLP (Crl.) No.8789 of 2014 by Krishana Devi are allowed.

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  • Accused Ishwar and Krishna Devi to be released immediately
  • Unless needed for custody in connection with any other offence


Case Number: Crl.A. No.-001613-001613 / 2018

Click here to read/download original judgement

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