The Complete Chain of Circumstances – Upholding the Conviction of the Appellant

In a significant legal ruling, the Supreme Court of India affirmed the judgment passed by the High Court of Judicature at Bombay, upholding the conviction of the appellant in a criminal case. The case involved the appellant’s involvement in the ill-treatment and subsequent death of the deceased. The chain of circumstances presented in the case led to a clear and decisive outcome. Justice prevailed as the court concluded that there was only one logical conclusion based on the complete chain of circumstances.


  • The High Court upheld the conviction under Section 302 IPC.
  • The appeal is against the judgment passed by the High Court of Judicature at Bombay.
  • The appellant was sentenced to life imprisonment under Section 302 IPC.
  • The appellant was exonerated from charges under Sections 498A and 304B IPC.
  • The appellant was found guilty of ill-treating the deceased by both the Trial Court and the High Court.
  • Appellant gave a bottle of poison to the police claiming deceased consumed poison from it.
  • Appellant reported his wife’s death to the police on 21.05.1990.
  • Discrepancies found in the injuries on the body of the deceased as recorded before postmortem and during postmortem.
  • Postmortem report indicated death due to violent asphyxia with Organo Phosphorus poisoning, ruling out suicide.
  • Statements made by the appellant under Section 313 Cr.P.C. were relied upon by the High Court.
  • Marks of nails on the deceased’s cheeks, throat, wrists, and bangle glass marks were found.
  • Postmortem doctor opined death was due to suffocation by hands causing smothering.
  • Appellant and deceased were residing together adjacent to the factory where the incident occurred.
  • Postmortem examination revealed 13 injuries, all ante-mortem, with internal injuries and hemorrhage.
  • Evidence presented by various witnesses regarding appellant’s stay with his wife and reporting of her death due to poison.

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  • Appellant’s presence at the place of occurrence established through his own statement under Section 313 Cr.P.C.
  • Circumstantial evidence rules out reasonable likelihood of appellant’s innocence.
  • Conviction based on circumstantial evidence as there were no eye-witnesses.
  • Deceased showed resistance to forcible administration of poison.
  • Conviction under Sections 498A and 304B IPC set aside due to doubts on multiple convictions.
  • Appellant attempted to pass off the murder as suicide despite fresh injuries and other incriminating circumstances.
  • Deceased residing adjacent to appellant’s factory strengthens the evidence against the appellant.
  • The chain of circumstances establishing the guilt of the appellant is complete and unbroken.
  • Both the trial court and the High Court correctly concluded that the chain of circumstances led to only one possible conclusion.
  • The conclusion arrived at in this case is deemed to be the only logical outcome based on the complete chain of circumstances presented.

Also Read: Constitutional Authority in Rent Control Jurisdiction: Supreme Court’s Verdict


  • Judgment and order under appeal affirmed
  • Appeal dismissed

Also Read: Analysis of Evidence in an Attempted Murder Case


Case Number: Crl.A. No.-000042-000042 / 2010

Click here to read/download original judgement

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