In the recent judgement by the Delhi High Court, a resolution has been reached in the case between Luv Chaudhary and Shruti Agarwal regarding child custody and school access. Both parties have agreed to allow access to various school activities for the child, ensuring both parents stay informed about the child’s academic and extracurricular progress. This marks a positive step towards collaborative co-parenting for the well-being of the child.
- The child, currently around eight years old, is admitted to DPS Sushant Lok.
- The parties have resolved the issue regarding the child being shifted from DPS Dwarka to DPS Sushant Lok.
- The father, Luv Chaudhary, initially had grievances but they have been resolved after discussions.
- The father has requested access to various school activities for the child, including Parents I-Card, Circulars, Parent-Teacher Meetings, Progress Reports, Almanac, RFID Card, WhatsApp Group, and school portal.
- ARG_PETITIONER, represented by Mr. Khurshid, assures the Court that the child will not be relocated outside the NCR, Delhi.
- The father, Luv Chaudhary, will have custody of the child every Tuesday from 03:30 PM to 09:00 PM.
- Mother, Shruti Agarwal, is expected to provide access to documents, circulars, and teachers for the father to stay informed about the child’s academic and extracurricular activities.
- Father will also have custody of the child for the first, second, and fourth weekends of the month, while the remaining weekends will be with the mother.
- Parties will make joint decisions regarding child’s well-being for school and otherwise.
- All pending applications are closed.
- Contempt petition is closed.
- The parent having custody must allow the other parent to seek access through video conferencing with prior notice.
- Cross-appeals are disposed of with the above terms.
- Child shall not be moved from DPS, Sushant Lok without Court permission.
- Weekend time frame specified as Friday 05:00 PM to Sunday 05:00 PM.
Case Number: MAT.APP.(F.C.)-245/2018