Delhi High Court Judgement: Case of Alleged Rape under Pretext of Marriage

In a significant ruling by the Delhi High Court, a case involving the alleged rape under the pretext of marriage has been adjudicated. This judgment holds implications for similar cases in the future, setting a precedent for justice. The court carefully considered the arguments presented by both parties, resulting in a verdict that upholds the principles of law and fairness.


  • The applicant and the prosecutrix were acquainted since 2016 through their workplace.
  • The applicant allegedly had physical relations with the prosecutrix on multiple occasions under the pretext of marriage.
  • On 23.11.2020, the applicant took the prosecutrix to an OYO hotel in Dwarka, Delhi, where he forced her into physical relations.
  • In 2021, the prosecutrix discovered the applicant’s involvement with another woman, causing discord in their relationship.
  • The applicant made efforts to reconcile but avoided marriage, citing religious differences and his mother’s requirement for the prosecutrix to convert to Islam.
  • The applicant allegedly manipulated, threatened, and coerced the prosecutrix into sexual acts.
  • On 13.01.2024, when the prosecutrix asked for marriage, the applicant demanded the prosecutrix to change her religion before agreeing to marry.
  • The applicant allegedly threatened to harm the prosecutrix and her family if any complaint was filed against him.
  • The applicant claims to have been falsely implicated due to the prosecutrix’s pressure to avoid repaying a total sum of ₹13,82,194 extended to her and her sister.
  • The FIR was filed on 01.03.2024, accusing the applicant of rape under the pretext of marriage.
  • It is stated that the applicant and prosecutrix were engaged in a romantic relationship since 2019.


  • The allegations of rape under Section 376 IPC are deemed baseless and false.
  • The incident in question was reported to the office on 14.01.2024 by the applicant’s colleagues.
  • There is a three-year delay in lodging the FIR from the alleged incident date of 23.11.2020.
  • The applicant and the prosecutrix were in a mutually consenting relationship that ended in October 2023 at the prosecutrix’s request.
  • During investigation, victim counseling and medical examinations revealed details of physical relations between the applicant and the complainant.
  • Allegations of promise to marry and change of religion are refuted based on WhatsApp chats and financial transactions.
  • The FIR was lodged following the applicant’s request for money repayment on 07.02.2024.
  • The prosecutrix exhibited jealousy towards the applicant and colleagues after the breakup, leading to a drunken altercation on 13.01.2024.
  • The learned APP for the State asserts that the prosecutrix has supported the prosecution’s case in her statement under Section 164 of the Cr.P.C.
  • The investigation is still ongoing in this case.
  • The applicant’s Counsel has presented and relied on What’sapp chats as evidence.
  • The applicant and the prosecutrix have been acquainted since 2016 and had been in a romantic relationship since 2019.


  • The long period of the relationship indicates that the alleged physical relationship was not based on the pretext of marriage.
  • Delay in filing the complaint raises doubts on the veracity of the prosecution’s case.
  • Consent issue due to a promise of marriage cannot be determined at this stage and requires a trial.
  • The FIR seems to be lodged as a result of a sour relationship, implying vendetta against the applicant.
  • The applicant and the prosecutrix maintained communication even after the breakup.
  • No specific date or time of the alleged incident has been provided by the prosecutrix.
  • The prosecutrix was of legal age during the incident.
  • Delay in lodging the FIR often results in embellishment, which is a creature of an afterthought.
  • The complainant knew about obstacles in marrying the accused but continued engaging in a sexual relationship.
  • The victim and applicant were in a consensual physical relationship without marriage for a considerable period of time.
  • The delayed FIR can lose the advantage of spontaneity and may introduce a colored or exaggerated version of events.


  • The applicant shall not take unwarranted adjournment and attend the Trial Court proceedings on every date
  • The applicant shall not leave the Country without the permission of the learned Trial Court
  • The applicant shall not in any manner contact the complainant/victim or any of the witnesses
  • The applicant shall, upon his release, furnish a proof of residence where he shall reside upon his release to the concerned IO/SHO, and in the event of change in address he shall intimate the same to the concerned IO/SHO.

Case Title: SUMIT KUMAR Vs. STATE & ANR. (2024:DHC:3862)

Case Number: BAIL APPLN.-1142/2024

Click here to read/download original judgement

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