Dr. Rakesh Kumar HUF vs M/s Gardenia India Ltd & Ors.

Explore a significant legal ruling from the Delhi High Court involving Dr. Rakesh Kumar HUF and M/s Gardenia India Ltd. The case revolves around a complaint filed under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act. Find out how the court’s decision impacted the parties involved and the implications of the judgement.


  • The matter was repeatedly adjourned due to the absence of the petitioners’ presence in court.
  • The respondent kept taking adjournments, delaying the service of fresh summons on the petitioners.
  • The court noted that the Managing Director of the petitioner company was aware of the proceedings but did not take steps to represent the company before the court.
  • A cost of Rs. 30,000 was imposed on the petitioners to be paid to the respondent.
  • The court allowed the petition and pending application.
  • The counsel for the respondent filed the CPC on 12.07.2018, further delaying the proceedings.
  • The court deemed the service of summons on petitioner no. 2 as complete, as per tracking records.
  • The court observed that petitioner no. 2 was served on the very first date of the proceedings.
  • The matter was listed for ex-parte evidence on a later date.
  • The court accepted the report regarding the service of defendant no. 2.
  • The petitioners did not appear for multiple hearings, leading to delays and adjournments.
  • Fresh summons were ordered to be issued against petitioner nos. 1 and 2, returnable on 29.01.2018.
  • The petitioners were proceeded ex-parte on multiple occasions due to non-appearance.
  • Directions were passed for defendant no. 2 to file a written statement within three weeks.
  • The petitioner company appeared before the Metropolitan Magistrate and applied for compounding the case.
  • Original postal receipts and a tracking report were submitted by the counsel for the respondent on 06.12.2018.
  • Multiple adjournments were granted due to the unavailability of the Presiding Officer.
  • The present petition was filed under the supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court.
  • The counsel for the respondent requested an adjournment to provide a service report on affidavit for petitioner nos. 1 and 2.
  • Notices were served on the petitioners before the Metropolitan Magistrate, but awaited service reports for petitioner nos.1 and 2.


  • Petitioner no.1 is a body corporate
  • Petitioner no.2 is the chairman of summons of the suit
  • Notice of the interim application against the petitioners was returnable on 26.09.2017
  • Respondent instituted a compliant case under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act bearing no. 23557/2016 titled as ‘Dr. Rakesh Kumar HUF vs M/s Gardenia India Ltd & Ors.’


  • Compounding application was allowed by the court.
  • Petitioners deposited the entire payment of the dishonored cheques amounting to Rs. 26,68,150/-
  • Interest was paid at the rate of 9% per annum.
  • Litigation cost of Rs. 25,000/- was also paid.

Case Title: MANOJ ARORA Vs. MAMTA ARORA (2024:DHC:3903)

Case Number: CM(M)-1212/2021

Click here to read/download original judgement

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