Ranbir Singh vs Pervesh Gaur & Ors.: Landmark Judgement by Delhi High Court

In a significant ruling by the Delhi High Court, the case of Ranbir Singh vs Pervesh Gaur & Ors. has brought attention to the issues of obstruction and interference with right of way. This judgement, from CS SCJ No. 82503/16, sheds light on the rights of individuals in civil suits. Stay tuned to understand the implications of this ruling in the legal realm.


  • The plaintiff, Ranbir Singh, filed a civil suit against 7 defendants including SDMC.
  • The suit was for permanent injunction, mandatory injunction, and damages.
  • The plaintiff claimed that the defendants were interfering with his right of way and causing obstruction.
  • During the proceedings, the SDMC submitted that they were not obstructing the plaintiff’s right of way.
  • The Senior Civil Judge noted that the SDMC had not caused any obstruction and dismissed the suit against SDMC.
  • The judgment was delivered in CS SCJ No. 82503/16 titled ‘Ranbir Singh vs Pervesh Gaur & Ors.’
  • SDMC was listed as defendant no. 5 in the civil suit.


  • The delay of 3 days in filing the appeal before the Learned ADJ was explained due to the death of the respondent’s mother and the subsequent holidays.
  • The appeal was found to be within the period of limitation by the Learned ADJ after considering the record.
  • Application seeking condonation of XLI Rule 5 was filed and the respondents no. 1, 2 & 3 were added as parties, which was allowed by the court.
  • The appeal cannot be disposed of without considering the application seeking condonation of delay
  • The issue of delay and whether it should be condoned or not must be deliberated upon by the court
  • The first appellate court failed to consider the application seeking condonation of delay in filing the appeal before it


  • Petition allowed, pending application disposed of
  • Case remanded back to First Appellate Court
  • First Appellate Court to hear arguments of both parties
  • Consider application seeking condonation of delay
  • Dispose of the appeal within 2 months


Case Number: CM(M)-1341/2018

Click here to read/download original judgement

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