Regular Bail Granted by Gujarat High Court in Case Involving Sanjay Chandra and Satender Kumar Antil

In a recent judgment by the Gujarat High Court, regular bail was granted in a case involving Sanjay Chandra and Satender Kumar Antil. The court’s decision marks a significant development in the legal proceedings, emphasizing the importance of evidence and discretion in granting bail. This judgment is a noteworthy milestone in the justice system, setting a benchmark for similar cases.


  • The present application is filed for regular bail in connection with FIR C.R. No.11207024230653/2023
  • The applicant was arrested on 22.08.2023 and has been in judicial custody since then
  • Investigation is completed and chargesheet has been submitted
  • Earlier bail application was withdrawn for filing fresh after recording the evidence of the victim
  • Victim’s evidence does not support the prosecution’s case


  • Learned APP for the respondent-State has opposed grant of regular bail based on the nature and gravity of the offence.
  • The role of the present applicant is clearly outlined in the chargesheet.
  • The application for bail is not entertained based on the submissions made by the learned advocates.


  • Nature of the offense is considered
  • Applicant may be enlarged on regular bail
  • Imposing suitable conditions recommended
  • The court considered the evidence of the victim who did not support the prosecution’s case and was declared hostile.
  • The present bail application was filed after the submission of the chargesheet and completion of the investigation, with the applicant already in jail since 22.08.2023.
  • The applicant’s role at the time of the crime was taken into account during the analysis.
  • The court cited relevant legal precedents from the cases of Sanjay Chandra v. Central Bureau of Investigation and Satender Kumar Antil v. Central Bureau of Investigation & Anr.
  • Without delving into the evidence in detail, the court found it a fit case to exercise discretion and grant regular bail.
  • The applicant was ordered to be released on regular bail upon executing a personal bond of Rs.15,000/- with specific conditions to be followed.


  • The trial Court should not be influenced by preliminary observations made by this Court when granting bail.
  • The rule is made absolute to this extent.
  • Direct service is permitted.
  • The applicant must inform the Court and officer about any change in residence.
  • The applicant will only be released if not required for any other offences at the time.
  • The bail bond should be executed before the lower Court with jurisdiction.
  • The concerned Court has the authority to modify or relax any of the conditions stated.
  • If any condition is breached, the concerned Sessions Judge can issue a warrant or take appropriate action.


Case Number: R/CR.MA/8293/2024

Click here to read/download original judgement

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