High Court Restores Tribunal’s Compensation in Fatal Accident Case

In a recent legal case involving a fatal accident, the High Court closely examined the Tribunal’s compensation award and restored it, highlighting the importance of legal analysis in such matters. The Court’s decision shed light on key factors like multiplier application, future prospects calculation, and loss assessments, ensuring a just and reasonable outcome for the parties involved.


  • Devaraju was the Commissioner of Raichur City Municipal Corporation at the time of the accident.
  • Appellants filed a claim petition under Section 166 of the Motor Vehicles Act, seeking compensation of Rs.2,00,00,000/- with interest at 12% p.a.
  • Devaraju, the deceased, was a KGS Cadre officer selected through Public Service Commission.
  • The appellants claimed dependency loss due to the untimely death of Devaraju who had a bright future.
  • The High Court maintained the multiplier of 13 but reduced compensation due to deceased being aged 50 years 3 months at the time of the accident.
  • Tribunal used a multiplier of 13 and granted 30% towards future prospects for calculating compensation.
  • Various amounts awarded by the Tribunal towards loss of dependency, consortium, love and affection, funeral expenses were detailed.
  • High Court recalculated compensation at Rs.57,78,480/- due to different calculations and adjustments made.
  • The Tribunal’s award was challenged on the grounds related to future prospects calculation, family pension deduction, and overlapping compensation for loss of consortium and love and affection.
  • Arguments presented by counsels for both parties were heard and material on record was reviewed.

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  • The High Court did not interfere with the application of a multiplier of 13 by the Tribunal.
  • The deceased’s age was categorized in the group of 40 to 50 years.
  • The High Court erred in granting only 15% towards future prospects instead of 30%.
  • The age group of 40 to 50 years is to be primarily considered based on Court judgements.
  • Maintaining the multiplier of 13, there is no justification for reducing the compensation by granting only 15% towards future prospects.
  • The compensation awarded by the Tribunal was just and reasonable and should not have been interfered with by the High Court.
  • The High Court erred in reducing the compensation without valid grounds, especially regarding loss of dependency and love/affection.
  • The High Court wrongly reduced the compensation for loss of love and affection despite already awarding an amount for loss of consortium.
  • The High Court also unjustly reduced the amount awarded for transportation of the dead body and funeral expenses.
  • Inconsistency in the High Court’s decision is noted regarding the application of multiplier and future prospects, as per the National Insurance Company Limited v. Pranay Sethi & Ors. judgment.
  • The High Court should have applied a 30% addition for future prospects considering the deceased’s age group of 40 to 50 years, instead of the 15% granted.
  • The age group of the deceased was acknowledged by the High Court for applying the multiplier, aligning with the future prospects calculation.

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  • The High Court of Karnataka at Bengaluru passed a judgment dated 20.07.2016 in Misc. First Appeal No.4903 of 2016 (MV-D)
  • The judgment was set aside in this appeal
  • The award dated 29.09.2015 passed in MVC No.1639 of 2012 by the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal-VI and III Addl. Sr. Civil Judge, Mangalore was restored
  • No order as to costs was given in this matter

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Case Number: C.A. No.-002558-002558 / 2020

Click here to read/download original judgement

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