Supreme Court Judgment Quashes 8-Year-Old Criminal Proceedings Against Accused

54107 of 2021 and 8233 of 2022 by which the High Court, in exercise of the powers under 482 Cr.P.C., has quashed the criminal proceedings of the FIR No RC0512020S0001 dated 29.04.2020 registered at Police Station State Grime Branch, Chandigarh under Sections 452, 323, 365, 342, 186, 225, 506 and 120-B IPC (earlier registered as FIR No.195 dated 30.08.2014 under Sections 452, 323, 365, 342, 225, 186, 506, 120-B IPC at Police Station Phase-1, Mohali) as well as all the subsequent proceedings arising out of the same, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has preferred the present appeals.

It is vehemently submitted that in the facts and circumstances of the case, the High Court has exceeded in its jurisdiction while quashing the entire criminal proceedings against the accused Aryan Singh and Gautam Cheema.

Number of submissions have been made on merits also by Shri Nataraj, learned ASG, however, for the reasons stated hereinabove, we are inclined to set aside the impugned common judgment and order passed by the High Court by relegating the accused to face the trial and thereafter the trial is to proceed against the accused, we are not considering the submissions made on behalf of the CBI as well as on behalf of the accused on merits.

Both the learned counsel appearing on behalf of the respective accused have made submissions on merits of the allegations made against each accused.

From the impugned common judgment and order passed by the High Court, it appears that the High Court has dealt with the proceedings before it, as if, the High Court was conducting a mini trial and/or the High Court was considering the applications against the judgment and order passed by the learned Trial Court on conclusion of trial.

Therefore, the High Court has erred in observing at this stage that the initiation of the criminal proceedings / proceedings is malicious.

In view of the above and for the reasons stated above, when the High Court has exceeded in its jurisdiction in quashing the entire criminal proceedings and applying the law laid down by this Court in catena of decisions on exercise of the powers at the stage of discharge and/or quashing the criminal proceedings, the impugned common judgment and order passed by the High Court quashing the criminal proceedings against the accused is unsustainable and the same deserves to be quashed and set aside. Considering the fact that the allegations in the FIR relates back to the year 2014 and as more than eight years have passed, we direct the learned Trial Court to conclude the trial at the earliest, but not later than 12 months from the date of the receipt of the present order.


Case Number: Crl.A. No.-001025-001026 / 2023

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