Supreme Court Upholds Lower Court Decision on Estate Rights of Deceased Watchman

The Respondent No.1 – Ukaji Ramaji (since deceased, through his legal representatives) was employed as a watchman by the Appellant No 1 – trust to take care of the said hospitals. The said appeal came to be allowed by the Appellate Court vide the judgment and order dated 31.03.1997, in which it was held that the said Ukaji held an irrevocable license over the suit property and such license could be terminated only after giving a month’s notice. The said MCA being No 02 of 2016 also came to be dismissed for non- prosecution by the High Court on 30.11.2016, along with the application seeking condonation of delay. Yet again the respondents filed another application being MCA No 01 of 2019 for restoration, which also came to be dismissed for want of prosecution on 14.10.2019.

The High Court without assigning any reason whatsoever and in very casual manner has allowed the said application i.e., MCA (for restoration) No 03 of 2019 in MCA (for restoration) No 01 of 2019. ………………………

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